Friday, February 29, 2008

My Baptism...

Dear Diary,

So I accepted Christ back into my life again on February 2, 2008 and was baptised a week later on February 10, 2008. When I knew I was going to be baptised...I told alot of people so they can come to the service if they wanted to witness it because it was a very special time for me. The one person though that I feared telling was my mother. I was not sure what she would say because I was baptised as a baby in the methodist church, I was baptised into a cult(LA Church Of Christ), was baptised at my old church(but I really at that time didn't understand what a relationship with Christ was and never accepted him), and now being baptised at Knott Ave. I prayed on it and God told me when the right time was to tell her and it went better then I thought. So I was sooooooo happy to have my mom come and see my baptism.

On the day of my baptism....I was going to be baptised by Pastor Dan but due to a unforseen circumstance...that didn't happen. I really wanted Pastor Dan to baptise me because he knew more about me and he was the one who talked to me my very first time when I came to Knott Ave. He knew my fears and some about my past so it meant alot to me that he took the time to talk with me that day. So, I had to make a decision that morning to either wait to be baptised by Pastor Dan a week later or be baptised that morning by Pastor Mike Hammontre. I was trying to decide what to do but I knew that I didn't want to wait another week to be baptised. I said a little prayer and God really urged me to be baptised that morning because it was what He commands for us to do after accepting Him and that was the most important. So I took that step of faith and was baptised by Mike.

There were 4 other baptisms that same day and I was the last to get baptised. I remember stepping down into the baptismal and I was very nervous but happy on the inside. I remember repeating after Mike my pledge...I started to feel really emotional and even started tearing like I was getting ready to cry. I felt as though I was on the cross just as Christ was because I was thinking about my sinful life and if I hadn't accepted Him into my heart then I would truly be dead. Then Mike immersed me in the water and as I was being pushed down back first under the water...I really felt like and actually visualized in my mind being wrapped in a sheet laying in the tomb just as Christ did. Then when I came up out of the water...I felt resurrected just as Christ did. I kid you not....I don't know if any of you have ever experienced anything like that but I totally feel like Christ wanted me to know and see exactly what He went through. It was just so beautiful that I really understood the meaning of having a relationship with Christ and what baptism meant or like what it symbolised because I never really knew before. I have Pastor Dan Harper to thank for Dan...THANK YOU!!!


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